Directory Functions
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/System/Directory Functions/index.xml
Alpha Anywhere provides the following Directory functions and methods.
WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory Namespace
Interact with Active Directory from Alpha Anywhere.
WorldPay API
/documentation/pages/Server/Guide/Design/Api/Using World Pay Api.xml
How you can access WorldPay's API in order to create credit card and ACH transactions for your app.
Desktop API
Functions and Objects that apply to desktop application written using Alpha Anywhere. Some functions and objects can be used in web and mobile applications, as well.
Chart API
/documentation/pages/Guides/Report/Charts/Custom/Chart API.xml
Alpha Anywhere includes a powerful built-in charting engine that uses the charting capabilities of Microsoft .NET Framework 4. You can program the charting engine directly using the API described on this page, or create charts in a builder, described at Chart Control. Using the API gives you the maximum amount of flexibility, but using the builder you can produce most commonly-used charts quickly and easily.
Active Directory Integration
An overview of active directory authentication and authorization with the Alpha Anywhere IIS Application Server.
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/System/FileFind/FILEFIND.IS_DIRECTORY Method.xml
Return TRUE if the current file is a directory.
Python Xbasic API
/documentation/pages/Guides/Python/Xbasic API/index.xml
Functions and methods for executing Python in an Xbasic script.
Desktop API Features
Features and tools for building desktop applications in Alpha Anywhere.
Google Maps API key
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/Data/Map Properties/Google Maps API key.xml
Specifies you Google Maps API Key. You need to go to the Google Maps site to request you API key. The key you define here will override the project global API key that you can define in the Web Project Properties dialog.